Whatsapp WhatsApp has been criticized for its inability to track the spread of fake news on the platform. But the company itself fell victim to fake news after it was …
Methodological manipulation There may be weak methods in research. For example, at the end of March 2018, the Russian media reported an increase in anti-Semitism in Ukraine, but the Ukrainian …
Use marginal media or blog posts Suspicious messages are often disseminated by marginal media with fixed names, claiming that they come from reputable media. Several Russian media outlets, including the …
Pseudo-experts and think tanks Real experts are often well known locally and in the professional community. They guard their reputation carefully. Pseudo-experts, on the other hand, often show up once …
Many people publish articles on social media after reading the title but without reading the full text. Placing a misleading headline in real news is one of the most common …
1. Image processing Image processing is the easiest way to falsify news, but also the easiest to reveal. There are two common techniques for photo manipulation. The first is to …